Friday, December 12, 2008


die plastic die. Pictures, Images and Photos

I have such a scary dream a few nights ago which I guess only design students will dream of.

I dream that somehow I didn't manage to finish my work on time and I'm desperately rushing for time. The laptop cork up, the printer cork up, the time is ticking, the shop is closing and the assignment is due tomorrow!!!I'm rushing like mad, the musty smell in the printer shop is suffocating and the old bald man is staring at me impatiently.

I really don't know how to describe it but it's definitely scary enough for me to remember it till now.

I'm starting on my year one final project. I don't want to go through the scary experience!

Thanks Kelly for the quick reply!

Friday, December 5, 2008


Wedding MySpace Comments and Graphics

I am so happy for Elaine !!!
She's indeed the prettiest bride I have seen so far.

I'm not good with words so I shall keep this short.

All in All

p/s: pai seh for the earring thingy

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Today I had my critique.

I guess this time round I am more composed and not as nervous as the previous critique. For this critique, we just need to present on our designers and the 3 things we are going to include in out shop house. However after presenting my 3 things to the lecturers, I realized that I got all my concepts wrong!

Oh No !!!

Anyway I will reflect on it and I intend to look for the lectures next week.

For now, let me present to you my TOD boards and INTECH boards.






Oh one more thing to note, Kelly doesn't want to see the title arrange vertically. In another word, always place it diagonally.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Today together with JM and CF, we went for the Tales of 2 cities exhibition.

I'm glad we went because it's really inspiring to see those beautiful artworks, especially those by Jeffery, our director for School of Design. HaHa, imagine our facial expression when we saw the price of his artwork.

I think what we all noticed in his works is the presence of eyes. Eyes is something that you will always find in his work. Overall, truly admirable.

After finish looking through the artworks on the first storey, we went to the basement to take a look at our photography work.

I really feel proud to find my work amidst the rest because I never know that my work will be chosen (:

Alright I shall end off here with the photo that I took.

Vibrant City