Sunday, April 27, 2008


I'm honestly very tired. In fact I feel as though I'm a walking zombie.

Nope, I'm not regretting my choice. Life is too short for any regrets.

This choice was my first choice ... my passion ... my interests ... my desire to design spaces that my clients will love ...




Friday, April 25, 2008

Second Week

I'm tired.



A rough calculation shows that I have been awake for more than 30+ hours; meaning I haven't rest for more than 30+ hours. ( I didn't sleep last night)

Whoots!!! Wonderful =)

Sometimes it's really disheartening when ... ... ... never mind.

Anyway I love working in the studio at level 2. It's a whole lot more spacious than the fish tank above ...

All thoughts elude me when I really sit down and start typing ...

Design Studio 1 is the module I love most because it's fun and flexible. I'm being a little ironic though ... ... ...

I think a little smile is enough to let a person feels great ... but I know I have been pulling a long face these 2/3 days.

However, not everything can be say out.

Hopefully I will type a proper post about this week soon ... or maybe just let it goes.

On a lighter note, the extension of ping pong balls deadline really give me a little break. If the deadline sticks to Monday, I will honestly die ...

Jia You, I can do it,

~Smile, you are my everlasting Smile~

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Friday, April 18, 2008

The First Week

Honestly speaking/typing/thinking, I don't know whether this week have passed at a fast pace or slow pace,all I know is that it have been a fufilling week;I get to learn a lot of things that I never thought I would get to learn!

Anyway, on Monday, I had my first drawing lesson in Poly ... The purpose of that lesson was to see objects in ways we had never looked at them before and drawed it out.

Confession: I was at lost when Nang-yih told the class about the instructions. Somehow, the 'instructions' seems so big so vauge. I think it's because I didn't took Arts for O'level and the last Art class I had was like 3 years ago?!. So yes, I was like a blur sotong >.<
So we had to make the model right ... from the template to the boxes, we need to put it together to make it looks like the character we chose.

I had a hard time choosing the character I want to do but in the end, I finally settle for Mac-a 8years old boy from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friend. ( Yes, I know, you are wondering what cartoon is that ...!)

So here's Mac :


and here's Mac and Bloo (the imaginary friend) :


My drawings:








My attempt at shadings using fingers:


For the nights when I'm trying to complete this project, I listened to my sister's ipod non-stop.. I wish I have my own, in that way, I can listen to music as and when i want :



----- Finally, Thursday, the night before the model's submission -----

I was rushing like mad to finish making the model .. no, not really rushing but I was speeding up my progress. Nevertheless, I still put in equal efforts in making every single parts of the model

I was hungry at around 10+p.m. so i cooked Instant noodle for myself, hahaha :



Yummy, it's really tasty, hahaha =) Self-praising.!

At 11+p.m my brother is retiring to the bed to sleep so I have to move out from his room to the dining table outside. It's only there did I started to glued the templates into boxes and finally to my Mac Model.


I don't know why I didn't take much pictures during this progress but I guess I was too engrossed in the making.

For some reason, time seems to pass really fast and soon it's :


Ya, time files.

I think I take such a long time to assemble because the blue I use is really CMI! So the lesson learnt is, always use UHU glue!

Anyway at that time I have the rough model of Mac :


One Arm

Two Arm

Back View

From here, you will realise that Mac's expression is actually different from the final one, that's because the more I look at it, the more it look like a ghost so I changed it, then again the finally expression also reminds me of a person who haven't sleep for a long time ... =.=

A close-up


Different angle

Bloo, he's so god damn difficult to make (the assembling of that template), reason due to the 'wonderful' glue I used :


Despite using a plastic peg, the paper still wouldn't stick !!!


I even used this! lol, because I can't find superglue anywhere in the house and I can't make too much of noise as everyone else in the house is sleeping.

Anyway, a random pic I drew a long time ago on the whiteboard :

Nice? I guess so-so only, and I need to refer to the original graphic in order to draw to such a standard.

Well, I guess that's all, so I finally slept at 3.30 a.m that night.

Amazingly on Friday, I didn't feel tired at all, the only thing was, I kept yawning. HaHa



Monday, April 14, 2008

First Post

Today marks the the first post for this blog which is specially created for Design Studio 1.

To all those who read this blog, please do give comments on the works that I have done. By doing so, you guys will actually help me to realise my strength and weakness; which I really need to know. So I shall hereby say a big thank you first, so please do comments =)

Thank You,