Friday, April 25, 2008

Second Week

I'm tired.



A rough calculation shows that I have been awake for more than 30+ hours; meaning I haven't rest for more than 30+ hours. ( I didn't sleep last night)

Whoots!!! Wonderful =)

Sometimes it's really disheartening when ... ... ... never mind.

Anyway I love working in the studio at level 2. It's a whole lot more spacious than the fish tank above ...

All thoughts elude me when I really sit down and start typing ...

Design Studio 1 is the module I love most because it's fun and flexible. I'm being a little ironic though ... ... ...

I think a little smile is enough to let a person feels great ... but I know I have been pulling a long face these 2/3 days.

However, not everything can be say out.

Hopefully I will type a proper post about this week soon ... or maybe just let it goes.

On a lighter note, the extension of ping pong balls deadline really give me a little break. If the deadline sticks to Monday, I will honestly die ...

Jia You, I can do it,

~Smile, you are my everlasting Smile~

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