Wednesday, June 25, 2008


We had a trip to Laselle for some kind of exhibition that's ongoing.

Basically I have taken quite a number of photos (:


The tour guide for the day


How Laselle looks like from above




Isn't it beautiful?


Interesting models


Great Presentation Boards


This is super awesome because it's the whole glass panel that's drawn on with whiteboard markers!


I like the stairs in Laselle, really elegant and beautifully arrange.


Beautiful model of building.



This is the thickness of their journal!!!


Interesting project.



The black box.

And that's the end of the trip.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I'm going to complain. Very short one alright. It's my msn nick, HaHa.

Alright, here goes:
na na de, so early wake up for what(6a.m), school only starts at 10a.m. I knew there was something wrong when I set the alarm yesterday! ...

Anyway Edmund told us yesterday that Nang-Yih had already left for the industry. The phrase itself is nice and special but well almost everyone felt shocked then sad when we heard the news.

It's so sudden. I thought like what Kelly said, the teachers will at least follow us for 1 year. Luckily, Edmund is still around. Then Elaine became a full time teacher and became one of the teacher in 04,05.

There's a new teacher but I'm sorry for not knowing how to spell the name. Hmm... feeling a tab sad because after all, Nang-Yih had already followed us for a term. 7 weeks,

Alright, enough of those talking about leaving. Below is a video I made last last weekend? I have absolutely no idea why I wait until today to post. This time round, it's not because I'm lazy alright. HaHa.

As usual, sit back and enjoy the video (:

And as usual, the link to paste it here is corrupted and I have no choice but to ask you to do one more step before viewing the video. Please click the link below. Thank you!


Saturday, June 21, 2008


I saw my design studio's result.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


All of a sudden I feels like updating the blog. HaHa.

Alright a sneak-peek of what will be up in the next post:


teddy bear?
are you thinking along the same line as me?
haha, if you really want to know, stay tune for the next post.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Finally, the long awaited post on the 40 ping pong balls project. HaHa.

Anyway, I have compiled all the pictures I have on hand into a video. Thanks to Phtobucket, you will be able to witness a lovely presentation later.

In another word, photobucket rocks. And I mean it!

Btw the timing transition between each pictures are a bit fast but I have no way to change it because the I.E. kept crashing when I do that!

I.E. is truly getting on my nerve. I finally finish doing the character development worksheet at the blackboard and it C-R-A-S-H-E-D !!! Super pissed off!!!

And when I try to do it again just now, I.E. C-R-A-S-H-E-D AGAIN!!! WTH.

Alright, here's the video below.

Sit back and relax alright (:


the link for the video to be placed here is corrupted so i have no choice but to put a direct link. If you cannot see the video when you click on the link, please leave a message at the tagboard. Thanks.
