Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Finally, the long awaited post on the 40 ping pong balls project. HaHa.

Anyway, I have compiled all the pictures I have on hand into a video. Thanks to Phtobucket, you will be able to witness a lovely presentation later.

In another word, photobucket rocks. And I mean it!

Btw the timing transition between each pictures are a bit fast but I have no way to change it because the I.E. kept crashing when I do that!

I.E. is truly getting on my nerve. I finally finish doing the character development worksheet at the blackboard and it C-R-A-S-H-E-D !!! Super pissed off!!!

And when I try to do it again just now, I.E. C-R-A-S-H-E-D AGAIN!!! WTH.

Alright, here's the video below.

Sit back and relax alright (:


the link for the video to be placed here is corrupted so i have no choice but to put a direct link. If you cannot see the video when you click on the link, please leave a message at the tagboard. Thanks.



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