Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I'm going to complain. Very short one alright. It's my msn nick, HaHa.

Alright, here goes:
na na de, so early wake up for what(6a.m), school only starts at 10a.m. I knew there was something wrong when I set the alarm yesterday! ...

Anyway Edmund told us yesterday that Nang-Yih had already left for the industry. The phrase itself is nice and special but well almost everyone felt shocked then sad when we heard the news.

It's so sudden. I thought like what Kelly said, the teachers will at least follow us for 1 year. Luckily, Edmund is still around. Then Elaine became a full time teacher and became one of the teacher in 04,05.

There's a new teacher but I'm sorry for not knowing how to spell the name. Hmm... feeling a tab sad because after all, Nang-Yih had already followed us for a term. 7 weeks,

Alright, enough of those talking about leaving. Below is a video I made last last weekend? I have absolutely no idea why I wait until today to post. This time round, it's not because I'm lazy alright. HaHa.

As usual, sit back and enjoy the video (:

And as usual, the link to paste it here is corrupted and I have no choice but to ask you to do one more step before viewing the video. Please click the link below. Thank you!



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