Saturday, August 16, 2008


I promise that I will blog real soon on my work alright. Maybe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. I have been really busy and well the projects are creating lots of unknown pressure to me which elads to emotional stir up.


Anyway, can you guess where am I right now?!

The answer is

















I'm actually inside the SP Astronomy Club House.


I'm actually going to stay over night till tomorrow morning.

Feeling damn pent up now, having stay in the studio from 10 to 10 on Mon-wed and 8-10p.m for the whole week is really killing!!!

I really need to channel my frustrations somewhere but I don't know where.

Maybe I should go to the gym tomorrow?

But I want to go to IKEA at Alexandre to do some research for the upcoming project!

I have the idea already but I just feel so shitty now!!!

Alright before I end of my post, let me show you somw work by Frank Gehry, the famous designer.

Don't you think that it's innovative and original!?

Alright I shall end my post here.

Good Night.t's already 12.44a.m now...


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