Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I can't upload any photos because photobucket is giving me crap and blogger is given me crap too!

Anyway I had my critique this monday.

Well, how was it?

Erm ... I was super duper triple double N-E-R-V-O-U-S !!!

Gosh the waiting time nearly kill me!!!

When it's my turn soon, I kept pacing around!!!

Gosh ... !!! HaHa >.<

Anyway when it's fianlly my turn, I gave a short introduction and wait for the comments by the lecturers.

I guess the part which I rememberd most is the part about my usage of colours. I guess critique is good because different lectures will give their comments, therefore, the work can be improve (:

If they hadn't point out the part about my colour combination I would have thought that the colours i use is alright >.<

Therefore, the few main points I have picked up from this critique are:

1. My usage of colours

- Different hues/shades of the same colour can be use

- Contrasting colour combination should be use only when one wants to draw the viewer to some details

- Bright/ non-professional colours should not be used

2. Photos make a difference, or rather good photos

- In order to show the space, photos should be taken from a certain distance [not to close up]

After the critique, I guess I really learn a lot. However I'm afraid ... I thought that my grade will move to a higher level ... but I'm not too sure after listening to the critique.


I'm really glad that I learnt from the critique.


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