Friday, August 22, 2008


We had a field trip to URA CENTRA and Ann Siang Hill yesterday.

note: there wouldn't be any photos because I have difficulty uploadig here. I'm sorry about that, I will try to solve the problem as soon as possible.

Anyway this is my first time hearing the nameURA, well I guess i may have heard it during secondary social studies but I have definetly forget it >.<

Do You Know:


Haha I have totally no clue what it stands for until Kelly told everyone ... -.-

So it's pretty interesting over there because there's the history of Singapore, the different architeture during different times [i rmb i saw palladin styple]. HeHe (:
Well, there's actually more, espcially the big models of Singapore and parts of it.

It's a pity that I can't upload the pictures.

SO, after we finish touring URA, we went to Ann Siang Hill to begin our photo-taking of the ebauty of the place.

GOSH, the sun is so bright and sunny[hot!!!], and I was wearing long sleeve black shirt >.< Hmm, I think I didn't really manage to capture the essence of Ann Siang Hill ... it's really disappointing but after looking through the numerous pictures I took, I think there are some pretty good ones.

After that I went down to Orchard for an interview with the Consultant of Recruit Express. She's really very nice (:

But there's a long story in between the time after I reach Orchard and waiting for the appointment.

Shall Continue Later, it's dinner time (:

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