Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Alright my continued story on my trip in Orchard.

While waiting for my job interview, I went to shop around Orchard aimlessly because I know nothing about Orchard - i RARELY go there.

HaHa So I went inside Taka to take a look and guess what I found Kino!!!! OMG!!! I never know that KINO is so wonderful until that day. Actually what first caught my attention is the rows and rows of shelves with different type of music score. Amazement are apparent on my facial expression (:

Moving slowly to the back, I saw fashion design, but what caught my attention the most is actually Product Design!!!! Gosh I can't hide my excitement when I saw it!! After browsing through all the books that are not nicely wrapped up, I moved on to Graphic Design. Wait A Minute.

Where is Interior Design!!!???

I turn my head here and there but I only saw Fine Arts and Architecture. Whoa, I think these two categories occupied a whole lot more space then the other design aspect I mentioned earlier on! When it's time for my appointment, I went out, or rather intending to go out when I SAW it!!!!!!!


So stupid Interior Design was just there, so near to the doors!!!! >.<>.<

What I waste, I didn't get the chance to stand there and look through all. Never mind, I shall go back the next time!!! (: With that I went for my job interview.


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