Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Basically during Semester 2, we had a series of assignments weekly that revolves around one topic which is none other than our 'Exhibition Pavilion Design'.

So I will leave the illustration of this topic to the picture as the saying goes: " Picture speaks a thousand word. "


This is how the pavilion looks like when I plot to pdf from Autocad.


This is how the pavilion looks like when I first imported it from Autocad to Autodesk Viz.


After which, I applied different materials to the pavilion. Basically I use grey and white tilings for the floor and white bricks for the rest of the structural elements.


From this picture you can see a drastic change in the usage of materials as I decide that using red brick will be more suitable for my theme. Not only that walls are placed in along with the door and window.

The type of doors include pivot door, sliding door and folding door.
The type of window include awning window, projected window and sliding window.


After that a 10000mm by 5000 mm by 100 mm reflection pool was place in along with trees and stairs.

Basically the types of stairs that I put in include spiral stair, L-shaped stair and straight stair.

After that we come to the final part of this whole string of assignments.
For this I created 2 storyboard as shown below.


Storyboard 1 showing how the plan view, elevation and perspective of the pavilion before it was imported to Autodesk Viz.


Storyboard 2 shows how the final pavilion design looks like along with a short description.


In addition, I had compiled 6 pictures taken at different frame count[animation] to show the effect of the sunrise and sunset.(take notice of the shadow)


At the same time this is a compiled version of the exterior walk through of my pavilon from different views.


Lastly this is the interior walk through of my pavilion, showing the different places in it.

Basically what I feel about this project is that it's really fun to place the different materials and structural elements inside a building. However it can be quite frustrating especially when my rendering screwed up!!!

But overall, it's really great! (:

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