Saturday, February 7, 2009


The other day Kelly gave an interesting lecture/assignment on Form, Function, Space and Order.

Some of the really interesting things to point out:

Interior Design starts with a point; extends into a line; stretches into a plane and evolves into a volume.

However as simple as it may seems, it is always difficult to put down the 1st pint, draw the 1st line, make the 1st plane and mould the 1st volume.

I think it's really true, along the way I kept having trouble starting, I think about this and that and I never really get about to doing it until someone came along and give me a push.

Therefore I think I'm in love with Nike ... for their famous slogan.

just do it Pictures, Images and Photos

Therefore going into the assignment, Form A Form that is done only using folding to create a form.

Using a total of 5 pieces of paper, we are to:

  • 1 CUT 1 FOLD
  • 1 CUTS 2 FOLDS
  • 2 CUTS 2 FOLDS
  • 2 CUTS 4 FOLDS
And, here's my final product.

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And the space for this can be a museum or a playground.

Lastly, I want to share with you another thing that really gave me the strength when I was through the final lap for year 1.


So always think on the positive side and we can all do it!

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