Thursday, February 12, 2009


Mood box

I admit that when I first read the project brief; I'm at loss. I'm not quite sure of how to go about creating a space in a 200m by 200mm by 200mm. And I guess this is quite apparent in my first moodbox.


1st Moodbox
Over here I just incorporate signature objects/structural elements that can be found in his buildings. Which in this case is the skylights, plant wall, curved brick wall at the back and lastly white bricks at the side.

However after my first consultation with the tutors, I realized that I'm straying from the right track and that creating a space isn't by throwing objects/structural elements inside.

But basically for this moodbox I really love the two side of the wall which is made entirely out of a wine bottle, 3 packet of clay and 2 satay sticks (:


I'm glad that a lot of people like this part of the moodbox.

Moving on:


My 2nd Moodbox

This can be consider a breakthrough from the first moodbox and the whole concepts and ideas are totally different but one thing remains: BRICKS.

For this I drew lines on the cardboard to sort of bring out the idea to the people that these are brick walls. Unfortunaetly, there isn't a path inside this whole space so I was given 1 smiley face during the moodbox review. Then again, it was quite unexpected because I thought that I would get a not smiley face as I felt that my progress was too slow.



My 3rd and the final moodbox.

This time round the brick walls are laid to show a path that have a start and an end.



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