Friday, December 12, 2008


die plastic die. Pictures, Images and Photos

I have such a scary dream a few nights ago which I guess only design students will dream of.

I dream that somehow I didn't manage to finish my work on time and I'm desperately rushing for time. The laptop cork up, the printer cork up, the time is ticking, the shop is closing and the assignment is due tomorrow!!!I'm rushing like mad, the musty smell in the printer shop is suffocating and the old bald man is staring at me impatiently.

I really don't know how to describe it but it's definitely scary enough for me to remember it till now.

I'm starting on my year one final project. I don't want to go through the scary experience!

Thanks Kelly for the quick reply!

Friday, December 5, 2008


Wedding MySpace Comments and Graphics

I am so happy for Elaine !!!
She's indeed the prettiest bride I have seen so far.

I'm not good with words so I shall keep this short.

All in All

p/s: pai seh for the earring thingy

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Today I had my critique.

I guess this time round I am more composed and not as nervous as the previous critique. For this critique, we just need to present on our designers and the 3 things we are going to include in out shop house. However after presenting my 3 things to the lecturers, I realized that I got all my concepts wrong!

Oh No !!!

Anyway I will reflect on it and I intend to look for the lectures next week.

For now, let me present to you my TOD boards and INTECH boards.






Oh one more thing to note, Kelly doesn't want to see the title arrange vertically. In another word, always place it diagonally.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Today together with JM and CF, we went for the Tales of 2 cities exhibition.

I'm glad we went because it's really inspiring to see those beautiful artworks, especially those by Jeffery, our director for School of Design. HaHa, imagine our facial expression when we saw the price of his artwork.

I think what we all noticed in his works is the presence of eyes. Eyes is something that you will always find in his work. Overall, truly admirable.

After finish looking through the artworks on the first storey, we went to the basement to take a look at our photography work.

I really feel proud to find my work amidst the rest because I never know that my work will be chosen (:

Alright I shall end off here with the photo that I took.

Vibrant City

Friday, November 14, 2008


This term, we had a project that revolves around making a machine to enhance sense.

The main idea is to take away a sense and enhance one or more sense.

Just a recap on what are the 5 senses:
  • Smell
  • Touch
  • Hear
  • Taste
  • See
For our group, we decide to take away sight and enhance hearing.


This is the first round of rough ideas.


Our first mock-up model.

Finally after many session of consultation with the teachers, we finally come out with the machine (:

Here's a series of photos on it and out model, Chia Fang.















Monday, November 10, 2008


Today Kelly gave a new assignment to us.

Using a piece of wire, we are suppose to make an accessory out of it. My first idea was to make something like a hand scanner but after that, it turns out to be something like a spoon.




Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Today we went to the school library and take a look at the escher model displayed on the shelf.


Mine is display on the top right side; the second model.


Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Alright my continued story on my trip in Orchard.

While waiting for my job interview, I went to shop around Orchard aimlessly because I know nothing about Orchard - i RARELY go there.

HaHa So I went inside Taka to take a look and guess what I found Kino!!!! OMG!!! I never know that KINO is so wonderful until that day. Actually what first caught my attention is the rows and rows of shelves with different type of music score. Amazement are apparent on my facial expression (:

Moving slowly to the back, I saw fashion design, but what caught my attention the most is actually Product Design!!!! Gosh I can't hide my excitement when I saw it!! After browsing through all the books that are not nicely wrapped up, I moved on to Graphic Design. Wait A Minute.

Where is Interior Design!!!???

I turn my head here and there but I only saw Fine Arts and Architecture. Whoa, I think these two categories occupied a whole lot more space then the other design aspect I mentioned earlier on! When it's time for my appointment, I went out, or rather intending to go out when I SAW it!!!!!!!


So stupid Interior Design was just there, so near to the doors!!!! >.<>.<

What I waste, I didn't get the chance to stand there and look through all. Never mind, I shall go back the next time!!! (: With that I went for my job interview.


Friday, August 22, 2008


We had a field trip to URA CENTRA and Ann Siang Hill yesterday.

note: there wouldn't be any photos because I have difficulty uploadig here. I'm sorry about that, I will try to solve the problem as soon as possible.

Anyway this is my first time hearing the nameURA, well I guess i may have heard it during secondary social studies but I have definetly forget it >.<

Do You Know:


Haha I have totally no clue what it stands for until Kelly told everyone ... -.-

So it's pretty interesting over there because there's the history of Singapore, the different architeture during different times [i rmb i saw palladin styple]. HeHe (:
Well, there's actually more, espcially the big models of Singapore and parts of it.

It's a pity that I can't upload the pictures.

SO, after we finish touring URA, we went to Ann Siang Hill to begin our photo-taking of the ebauty of the place.

GOSH, the sun is so bright and sunny[hot!!!], and I was wearing long sleeve black shirt >.< Hmm, I think I didn't really manage to capture the essence of Ann Siang Hill ... it's really disappointing but after looking through the numerous pictures I took, I think there are some pretty good ones.

After that I went down to Orchard for an interview with the Consultant of Recruit Express. She's really very nice (:

But there's a long story in between the time after I reach Orchard and waiting for the appointment.

Shall Continue Later, it's dinner time (:

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I can't upload any photos because photobucket is giving me crap and blogger is given me crap too!

Anyway I had my critique this monday.

Well, how was it?

Erm ... I was super duper triple double N-E-R-V-O-U-S !!!

Gosh the waiting time nearly kill me!!!

When it's my turn soon, I kept pacing around!!!

Gosh ... !!! HaHa >.<

Anyway when it's fianlly my turn, I gave a short introduction and wait for the comments by the lecturers.

I guess the part which I rememberd most is the part about my usage of colours. I guess critique is good because different lectures will give their comments, therefore, the work can be improve (:

If they hadn't point out the part about my colour combination I would have thought that the colours i use is alright >.<

Therefore, the few main points I have picked up from this critique are:

1. My usage of colours

- Different hues/shades of the same colour can be use

- Contrasting colour combination should be use only when one wants to draw the viewer to some details

- Bright/ non-professional colours should not be used

2. Photos make a difference, or rather good photos

- In order to show the space, photos should be taken from a certain distance [not to close up]

After the critique, I guess I really learn a lot. However I'm afraid ... I thought that my grade will move to a higher level ... but I'm not too sure after listening to the critique.


I'm really glad that I learnt from the critique.


Saturday, August 16, 2008


I promise that I will blog real soon on my work alright. Maybe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. I have been really busy and well the projects are creating lots of unknown pressure to me which elads to emotional stir up.


Anyway, can you guess where am I right now?!

The answer is

















I'm actually inside the SP Astronomy Club House.


I'm actually going to stay over night till tomorrow morning.

Feeling damn pent up now, having stay in the studio from 10 to 10 on Mon-wed and 8-10p.m for the whole week is really killing!!!

I really need to channel my frustrations somewhere but I don't know where.

Maybe I should go to the gym tomorrow?

But I want to go to IKEA at Alexandre to do some research for the upcoming project!

I have the idea already but I just feel so shitty now!!!

Alright before I end of my post, let me show you somw work by Frank Gehry, the famous designer.

Don't you think that it's innovative and original!?

Alright I shall end my post here.

Good Night.t's already 12.44a.m now...


Wednesday, June 25, 2008


We had a trip to Laselle for some kind of exhibition that's ongoing.

Basically I have taken quite a number of photos (:


The tour guide for the day


How Laselle looks like from above




Isn't it beautiful?


Interesting models


Great Presentation Boards


This is super awesome because it's the whole glass panel that's drawn on with whiteboard markers!


I like the stairs in Laselle, really elegant and beautifully arrange.


Beautiful model of building.



This is the thickness of their journal!!!


Interesting project.



The black box.

And that's the end of the trip.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I'm going to complain. Very short one alright. It's my msn nick, HaHa.

Alright, here goes:
na na de, so early wake up for what(6a.m), school only starts at 10a.m. I knew there was something wrong when I set the alarm yesterday! ...

Anyway Edmund told us yesterday that Nang-Yih had already left for the industry. The phrase itself is nice and special but well almost everyone felt shocked then sad when we heard the news.

It's so sudden. I thought like what Kelly said, the teachers will at least follow us for 1 year. Luckily, Edmund is still around. Then Elaine became a full time teacher and became one of the teacher in 04,05.

There's a new teacher but I'm sorry for not knowing how to spell the name. Hmm... feeling a tab sad because after all, Nang-Yih had already followed us for a term. 7 weeks,

Alright, enough of those talking about leaving. Below is a video I made last last weekend? I have absolutely no idea why I wait until today to post. This time round, it's not because I'm lazy alright. HaHa.

As usual, sit back and enjoy the video (:

And as usual, the link to paste it here is corrupted and I have no choice but to ask you to do one more step before viewing the video. Please click the link below. Thank you!


Saturday, June 21, 2008


I saw my design studio's result.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


All of a sudden I feels like updating the blog. HaHa.

Alright a sneak-peek of what will be up in the next post:


teddy bear?
are you thinking along the same line as me?
haha, if you really want to know, stay tune for the next post.
